How To Get a Job Without Really Trying

3 min readApr 22, 2018


Throughout my blog I’ve written on many things. I’ve given book reviews, commentary on culture, but my real talent is getting people jobs. That’s what this post is for. It’s a compilation of all of my job-advice and provides an easy, categorized way of finding it. In this guide, we’ll take you through the process of the job-search that I’ve outlined below in this infographic:

Beautiful, I know. And yet, the simplicity makes it seem like getting a job is as easy as just paying attention to whatever I say. In some ways, it is.

By reading this post you’ve already set yourself ahead of the pack. Most of your competition is just clicking random links on ZipRecruiter. I am CHALLENGING YOUR MINDSET. I’m putting YOU on a PATH to SUCCESS. I’m CAPITALIZING words. That’s how you know these sentences matter.

So, feel free to bookmark this page. Like it, favorite it, share it, etc. And if you hate it, let me know below.

Résumé Designs and Cover Letters

Ways to Improve Your Mindset

Interview Advice

Advice For When You Have the Job

This advice loosely follows the path reflected in my chart as well as the path you’ll be taking in getting a job. The whole page will be updated as more advice is written. Normally, these tomes would cost six easy payment of $19.95.




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